Intonaco Livigni Monocalce
Plaster type “Livigni”
Coloured mineral plaster formulated for the plastering, protection and decoration in one action, of both internal and external surfaces and all the building typologies.
Category: | Coloured Wall Coverings |
Tag: | Mineral wall coverings |

24 dyes from colours chart. Dyes apart from the chart can be requested

Paper sack of kg 25

12 months in its original packaging on wood pallet far from humidity
Coloured mineral plaster formulated for the plastering, protection and decoration in one action, of both internal and external surfaces and all the building typologies. Composed of selected pure aggregates, lime, hydraulic binders, pigments and specific admixtures. Waterproofed base-coat, high water vapour diffusion and high mechanical strength. It is obtained an orange peel finishing, with the typical effect of ancient decoration traditions. Substrates: bricks, thermobricks, cement or tuff blocks, concretes etc., after applying a layer of coarse mortar or a sand and cement render.
Do not apply on substrates which appear inconsistent, detaching, non-homogeneous, substrates treated with paint or plastic coatings, external horizontal surfaces, upper parts of wall with no inclination. Substrates have to be solid, resistant, clean, coplanar. All the irregularities (protuberances, holes, disparities) have to be removed before the application. It is suggested to employ a mortar basing coat or a sand and cement render, to obtain a base with homogeneous absorption and a compact coloured finishing. For weak substrates like expanded cellular cement blocks, employ the product with ALBUSIL FISATIVO of Plastimur s.r.l. For higly smooth substrates like concrete it is suggested to mix the mortar or the render with TOP LATEX. For old substrates, before the application it is suggested to repair all missing or crumbly parts, and continue with the burying of fibre glass mesh with RASOCEM KR. Wet the surfaces to saturation one day before and dampen again 1 hour before the application.
Mix one sack of kg 25 monolime plaster INTONACO MONOCALCE with lt 6-6,5 of clean water with mixer, until you obtain a thick lump free paste. Let it stand for 10-15 minutes at least.
After kneading into the concrete mixer apply the plaster through smooth trowel forming a layer in 1 cm. Smooth it with striker and wait for the first hardening. Wet with water and spoon trowel and wait again; this operation allows the plaster levelling and avoid eventual hydraulic shrinkages. When the crust is semi-hardened, continue with the typical orange peel finishing, through adapted nailed trowel and metal comb. After 24 hours from the product hardening, it is necessary to brush the wall, with a brush or a soft broom to eliminate the granules not adherent; the eventual surface cleaning has to be effectuated bottom-up
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